Julie Dalpay
Professional Massage Therapy

Services & Rates


90 minutes: $120

Reflexology is a type of bodywork that focuses on applying pressure to the specific nerve zones in your feet. Unlike other foot massages that intend to mostly relieve tension in the feet themselves, reflexology is a far more in-depth science that aims to harmonize your entire body. According to reflexology, every part of the human body is mapped into your feet. Reflexology treatments have been found to be highly effective for conditions such as allergies, headaches, and depression.

Deep Tissue Massage

60 minutes: $105
90 minutes: $120
120 minutes: $150

Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get too uncomfortable. Keep in mind that soreness is pretty common after the treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage is a style of bodywork designed specifically for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Using various techniques specially developed for the expecting mother, Pregnancy Massage helps release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.

Energy Work

Energy work is based on the belief that everyone has a "life force", and that the body needs to sustain its balance for optimum health. Anytime you experience emotional or physical illness, it indicates that your life force has simply become unbalanced. I work directly with your energy field to restore balance and flow to your entire system. And once your energy field has been restored to full health, your body will follow.

Sports Massage

Sports Massage is a type of massage designed for highly active people who engage in athletics. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. Sports Massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body's natural immune function.


30 minutes: $150

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is combination of technology from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia and the USA. Most if not all this technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others that theorize everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually energy frequency.

Biophysicists in Germany and Russia pioneered the work of identifying specific frequencies in the human body and compiled a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person.

Medical researchers in Germany believe that the health of an organ, tissue, system or cell structure within the body can be identified by passing micro current frequencies through the body and measuring the current’s resistance.

Myofascial Massage

90 minutes: $150

Myofascial massage is a technique used to treat injuries and discomfort, reducing pain and increasing range of motion. Myofascial massage differs from other types of massage in that it targets the fascia - the membrane surrounding muscles - rather than the muscle itself. Since fascia completely encases every muscle in the body, imbalances in the fascia can have serious effects on your range of motion and comfort level. While other forms of massage can overlook the fascia, myofascial massage focuses specifically on releasing tension in this important membrane.

Intra Oral and facial cupping gua sha

60 minutes: $120

An intraoral massage focuses on the muscles both inside and outside of the mouth and jaw. This is a treatment targeted towards people who are experiencing headaches, migraines, jaw tension, teeth grinding, and TMJ disorder.

An intraoral massage can help reduce headaches and the discomfort associated with jaw tension, migraines, grinding teeth, injuries and strains, accidents, and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder.

When is Intraoral Beneficial?

This is a treatment targeted towards people who are experiencing:

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Jaw Tension

  • Teeth Grinding

  • Postural Dysfunctions, Head Forward Posture

  • Facial Pain

  • Difficulty Chewing

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disfunction.

  • ​Injuries/Strains in the Jaw

How is Intraoral massage performed?

Intraoral massage is done lying face up (supine) on the table. Gloves are worn by the massage therapist when working inside the mouth for sanitation purposes. Client can still use their hands, or more specifically their fingers, to express levels of intensity by giving a rating of 1-5. This still allows communication of the client and the therapist when performing intraoral work. These muscles can be sensitive, but just like any other bodywork the therapist can adjust the pressure to make sure the client is comfortable.

Using Fascial Cups During Intraoral Work?

Fascial cups are a great way to work on the muscles and connective tissue around the jaw and mouth. This lift can increase blood circulation, activate lymphatic drainage, create space for the temporomandibular Joint.

What are the benefits of facial cupping?

· Stimulates lymphatic system

· Increases blood flow to tissue

· Helps release adhesions in face

What Is Gua Sha?

IASTM stands for “Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation.” IASTM is based on a Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) technique called Gua Sha. Gua Sha is used to treat the whole system and stimulate the bodies natural healing faculties. Gua Sha can be used to helpful with strains and sprains, arthritic joints, chronically painful tissues, post operation areas containing scar tissue, myofascial dysfunction, hypertone muscle tissue, adhesions, restricted range of motion and many more.